
NCCoE Releases Draft NIST IR 8496 for Data Classification


The NIST National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) has released for public comment Draft NIST Internal Report (NIST IR) 8496, Data Classification Concepts and Considerations for Improving Data Protection. The comment period is open now through January 9, 2024.  

 About the Report 

This publication defines basic terminology and explains fundamental concepts in data classification so there is a common language for all to use. It can also help organizations improve the quality and efficiency of their data protection approaches by becoming more aware of data classification considerations and taking them into account in business and mission use cases, such as secure data sharing, compliance reporting and monitoring, zero-trust architecture, and large language models. 

 We Want to Hear from You! 

The comment period for this draft is open until 11:59 p.m. EST on Tuesday, January 9, 2024. Visit our project page for a copy of the draft and comment form.  

 To receive the latest project news and updates, consider joining the NCCoE Data Classification Community of Interest (COI). You can sign-up to become a COI member via the webform located at the bottom of our project page