NCCoE Security Engineer Jim McCarthy will lead the session titled "Convergence of Cybersecurity Situational Awareness Capabilities for the Energy Sector" at GridSecCon 2017 in St. Paul, MN. NCCoE engineers alongside former Department of Energy CTO Pete Tseronis, Eric Andersen and Mark Rice of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory  (PNNL), and Mary-Ann Ibeziako and Don Hill of University of Maryland College Park, Engineering and Energy, will share their expertise on Situational Awareness and discuss the recently NIST Special Publication 1800-7 that uses commercially available products to explore the methods for energy providers to more readily detect and remediate anomalous conditions and investigate the chain of events that led to the anomalies.

NERC’s annual Grid Security Conference (GridSecCon) series brings together cybersecurity and physical security experts from industry and government to share emerging security trends, policy advancements, and lessons learned related to the electricity sub-sector.